The rebirth of the race brought some of the riders who had competed in Catalina in the 1950s back to ride the island track once more. This included Homer Knapp, who took to the course on Saturday on the same 1920s Harley Davidson he rode in the Catalina race in the 1950s. Bob Sandgren, who won the race in 1957 and 1958, also returned to serve as Grand Marshal. Other Catalina race veterans included Preston Petty and John Rice. The festivities kicked off with a parade lap of the racers through downtown Avalon, where hundreds lined the streets to cheer on their favorites from both yesteryear and today
Below is the bike ridden by the man with the camera in the above clip

A 1962 YDS2 turned into an Ascot Scrambler replica
There were still a lot of Yamahas like that being ridden in this area( Sacramento, Calif.) when I was in High School. Those and SuperHawk Hondas, and CL-77's. Yeah, and Kawa 250 and 350 Scramblers.And one guy on a Suzuki 250 that was smokin just about everybody. Then the Kawa Triple 500 hit and of course the 750 Hondas. Where are all those bikes now? Every now and then one surfaces for sale, that's been in a garage all these years. Fewer and fewer though. HL