I took a pic of the regulator, can anyone tell me if its one common to later MZs?
Here's a pic of the kit Norman (UN) sent me the link to (click title to go to it), same as fitted on my bike.

Just had a read through Powerdynamos "knowledge base" and it seems the 16 volt output might be normal, I'll test it again tomorrow against their instructions.
Up date, Last week my mate was having a problem with the charging system on his Kawa, I had dropped off two rec/reg units to replace a faulty one he had. He phones me later and says the bikes charging, but showing 18 volts on both the units I had gave him. I said if that's the case try a new battery in his multi meter, I had high reading before on a meter due to a low battery. A new battery in and its charging 14.5 Volts.
Anyway you can guess where this is going, yip low battery in my meter, now reading just over 14 Volts. Roll on MOT time.....
The regulator's not the same as later MZ 2 strokes. They had a small circuit board attached to the alternator, inside the side cover. Don't forget to get out with the black Hammerite for the 'genuine' MZ look!
Thanks Norman, I wasn't sure what the set up was for them. I'll give the charging system another check tonight.