Bit late with this, but I've been busy......

This is year 6 for me being at the Show as part of the Z1oc. There was a bit of a change for this year as Dougie and Paula who organised the Classic section, for as long as I can remember, had to stand down for personal reasons. Geogre Beer of the VJMC took over the running of the Classic show at a late stage, but managed well, and most people would say his ideas worked well.

It was the usual Friday of the show for me, day off work and head over to Edinburgh to help set up the Club Stand. When I say set up I meant place the 6 bikes on the carpet area, this year was very low key, no walls to put up info boards or posters, just nice bikes to look at.

I had one bike on the Club Stand, the Racecrafters Kawa, and another as a private entry, the wee 250 Moto Morini.
After all the hard work was done it was off round the main hall to have a look at the modern bikes, cause when Saturday morning comes the next free time we'll have is 5pm Sunday.

Up bright and early Saturday morning and get ready to go, but whats all this white stuff falling from the sky, bloody SNOW again! So into the tin box and head off along the motorway, no signs of snow ploughs going our way , but with a bit of care we got there.

First things first it was time for a coffee and blether with some of the mates before Joe public started coming in. As expected with the weather the hall wasn't too busy in the morning. Managed to spot Mr Combo(Ed of the MZ Thistledown news letter)for a blether, which lead to meeting MuZ660 and a very interesting talk with him. Time was passing and hardly a Kawasaki word had been spoken, lol. The crowds started to increase, and it was into Kawa mode now.... so many questions to answer and how to do this and that... but that's why people visit the stands.
A welcome break came in the shape of Norman from the MZ Skorpion forum (as is MuZ660), was good to get 10mins to catch up. Also thanks to Norman for the use of his photos.

I managed a wonder through the main hall to see what the modern biking world was up to. Of the bikes the KTM 1190 RC8 and the BMW HP2 Sports really caught my eye. The KTM for how simple and funchinal looking it was, the BMW for the quality of its engineering and the way they made a Boxer Twin look so good!!

As I usually find the time at the show flies in, like most good things, and Sunday night was here all too quick, the vans loaded up and time to go for another year...
Almost forgot to say the two of the bikes on the Club stand won awards, Kaths Z1000A2 (top pic left hand side) got 3rd in class, and my Racecrafters won Best Special :-)
Thanks to Andy (Z1oc) and Norman for the use of their Pics