I was looking through some pics from my trip to NZ in 08, I came across this pic of a very unusual three wheeler, the Davis, in the Southward Motor Museum in the south of the North Island.
It was built in the USA just after the Second World War by a company called Davis Motor Car Company in Van Nuys, California. Due to various problems total production of vehicles were only just into the twenties... click title for the story of this unusual Car

pic from the Davis Registry.
The Southward Museum has a web site and heres the link http://www.thecarmuseum.co.nz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=57&Itemid=87 (copy and paste) Have a look in their Gallery, some nice vehicles!
Shades of Bucky Fuller's "Dymaxion" car, except in reverse with one wheel forward,rather than one wheel in the rear. Will have to check that out. HL