I was just looking at some blogs I follow and noticed on the excellent Vintagent site (click on title) there is the start of a report on this years event, which is taking place now (May 7-8) at the famous Linas-Montlhéry circuit. "On the track will be 250 pre-1940 vehicles (sports and racing cars and motorcycles, cyclecars and three-wheelers), while in a vintage car and bike park there will be a similar number of pre-1940 vehicles on display. Come and join us for a trip into history, whether on the circuit, in the vintage park or simply as a spectator."
A bit about the background of the event from the offical site.
"The circuit and its surroundings are an outstanding monument to French motor sport. The "Vintage Revival" Association was created by Vincent Chamon (a vintage enthusiast) and Laurent Poulain (a lover of the circuit) who had realised with sadness that the calendar of events at Montlhéry did not include anything which was purely pre-war. 2011 was selected for the initial event in agreement with our Honorary President, Mrs Jacqueline Potherat, being ten years after the death of her husband, who was such a friend to us all. The "Vintage Revival" Association will bring together enthusiasts and clubs with their cars for a private weekend, embracing vintage runs on the circuit, period clothing and even demonstrations on the track by vintage bicycles behind pacemaker motorcycles."
I could go far a chance to take a Morgan three-wheeler for a spin. Looks like an amazing event.